Saturday, 29 August 2009

mia for awhile :(

been so busy this past week so havent had time to blog or record a video
i've been looking for a car as im taking my test soon so fingers crossed i get the perfect car and pass!
i also got my exam results and did amazingly! and got on to the animal care course so im veryveryveryvery happy:D
managed to do some 'back to college' shopping (not that i need anymore clothes, im finding it hard to fit everything into my drawers) and my boyfriend bought me some birthday pressies:)

all in all its been a fantastic week and im looking forward to more great things to come
i have a small haul video coming up but tbh i find it so hard buying make up, i just dont want to buy stuff for the sake of it so therefore my collection looks tiny, but on the plus side all my makeup gets used and nones wasted:))
alssooooo got over 300 subbies on youtube!
so thank you all so much! its insane!

oke now opinions
im not necessarily getting THIS car, but the question came up and i was wondering what everyone else would say/do
a pink car, would you get bored of the colour? or feel embarrassed?
i think its soooo cute even though im not that into pink

last week i recorded a winter fashion video but i never got round to uploading it, and now everyone seems to be doing the same, so i may not bother
although i might do a 'must have winter items'
eeee i love winterrrr!!



  1. I want a pink smart car and I would definitely drive around in one. Don't worry what other people think!

  2. the pink car is cool! if you want it i think you should go for it :D

  3. i wouldn't be embarrasses, its different, and different is good!

  4. Hi, I'm leaving a comment for you because you have a wonderfully beautiful blog. I've really enjoyed reading your posts and got really absorbed by them ! You have fabulous pictures too. Thanks for sharing them all and best wishes....

  5. i really want a pink car, theres a company that sprays minis pink and i want one SO bad.. i think the website is hahah. they do 3 diff pinks! i love the pink but i think i'd prefer it metallic. my car is bright green, hehe :D xxx

  6. @hannah
    ohmy! those minis look so cute! although i do prefer a lighter pink
    i guess im just worried that i'll be seen as a bit of a girlygirl on the roads thus meaning im not good at driving lol iuno its weirdddd
    i love itt thoughhh :((

  7. i tagged you


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