Wednesday, 29 July 2009

my hair

over the years i've spent a bomb on my hair, extensions, dyes, bleach, highlights
heres a lil time line!

3 years ago
black hair!
with clip in extensions


2 years ago
bleached blonde!
with clip in extensions


beginning of the year
was ment to be brown but they turned it red!
aha me and my bf looking 10 years old and done something really naughty.../cough


present day
brown! with blonde highlights in fringe!
finally i dont have to go to the hairdressers every month for touch ups and crap
was tempted to go back to black as i LOVE dark hair and fair skin with smokey eyes and nude lips but for now its staying brown :p

would love to see other peoples hair time lines:))



  1. i like your hair now its really nice:)

  2. I like these posts.
    You really suit all these looks! I love it when people are experimental with their hair! :)

  3. Your hair now is great but the first pic is also stunning!

  4. Looks lovely now, but i LOVE it in that pic of you and your bf, that colour really suits you! xx

  5. @Tabitha Sheridan
    oh gosh really?!
    thats my least favourite lol >.<

  6. omg, i almost couldn't recgonize you with the bleached blonde! haha i love your timelime though, i've never done anything to my hair so it's fun to see people who change it up a bit :) i love your hair now though xx

  7. Ooooh I REALLY like it in the present picture. You look gorgeous and it's more of a natural hair color that suits you very well!<3

  8. your lucky, you look great with any hair color! but i do agree, you hair looks beautiful now

  9. Love the first and last :) xxx

  10. i would do a hair time line but it would be so long that no one would want to read it! i basicaly did what you did though, blacks, bleach blonde, browny/red, back to blonde again, then bright red, then brown again, then blonde again.. hahahah and in between all those there was 'directions' moments of green, pink, blue, orange, white, you name it!! haha xx

  11. You hair is so pretty.
    I wish I had nice hair like your mines like a birds nest. lol.
    Love Raspberrykiss <3


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