Saturday, 5 September 2009

broom broom!

oke this is just gonna be a bit of an update
its my birthday on monday and i start college on thursday so im taking things easy atm:)
i tried out my elf brow kit aswell as the manicure set
and tbh, for a noob, i think i did a pretty good job :)
any tips please would be great
its so strange to see myself with dark thin brows, normally they are so light i forget about them so they kinda go all bushy
i think i look very grown up idd^^
so yeah i recommend the elf brow kit!!
the manicure was also an amazing buy

for only £2.40ish you get 3 polishes and not one chip yet!
my lines are a little sloppy but for my first time its not bad:p
i used the tip stickers that came with it but they just failed at keeping the line straight :/
maybe im doing it wrong?
let me know what you think:))

also unrelated to beauty/fashion
i got a car!!!
my uncle found it and payed the deposit on it and my mummy payed the rest
its sooooo cute!!
looks like a mini
now i just need to pass!:p
going to pick it up on my birthday, so yeah i pretty nice pressie to get
got any tips for my test? and should i get cute seat covers and stuff?
eeeee i cant waittt



  1. Your eyebrows look lovely :) And so do your nails; where was the kit from? ♥

  2. yout nails looks amazing! definitely looks like you've done a manicure more than once!

    make sure you post some pics of your new car when you get it! :).... i passed my driving test last month, my best tip would be just to not get worked up and you'll be fine

  3. You did an ace job on your nails!! xx

  4. Your nails look great!! Congrats on the car :)


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